Got A Good Online Clapback Game? Keep It Real When Trolls Come At You — US LIFESTYLE USlifestyle USLifestyle


Got A Good Online Clapback Game? Keep It Real When Trolls Come At You


One of today’s persisting questions: How much energy do I really want to put into schooling a troll to let them know my clapback game is on point? On one shoulder, I hear Michelle Obama saying, “When they go low, we go high.” And on the shoulder, I got someone like Chrissy Teigen ready to spout something so good, it’ll get you blocked by Trump on Twitter.

Franchesca Ramsey asks the same question, and she talks about having a constructive, impactful approach. She's a media personality who came up via her hit YouTube channel, featuring socially-conscious comedy. And considering her sizable online presence, we think it’s necessary to hear her specific breakdown on what’s really going on when trolls come at you. She also calls out social media platforms, specifically on definitions and determinations of things like harassment and racial slurs.

Yes, she did just say that in the video above: “Social media is a privilege not a right.” And how about we follow that up with: Use it responsibly, America.

In case you want a little more of Franchesca Ramsey’s story and truth bombs, check this:

Franchesca Ramsey is a YouTube vlogger and writer known for her unique voice, social commentary and comedy. In 2016, Franchesca was one of four YouTube creators who asked live video questions of the US presidential candidates at the Democratic debates in Charleston, South Carolina.

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